
Support soldiers: Keep in touch

Military personnel serving in far-flung nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan need all the support they can get and by sending regular letters or emails, you could just help them get through a difficult deployment.

If you want to support soldiers, what could be easier than putting pen to paper - or typing an email?

Receiving news from home can be a great way to boost morale and support soldiers abroad, so join Forces Penpals today and find out how you could make a difference.

We have been established online since November 2003 and we are the top military dating, penpals and social networking site in the UK.

Offering to support soldiers doesn't have to take up a lot of your time - just sending a letter or email every month can mean a great deal to someone far from home.

And if you want to build a lasting friendship or are looking for a relationship, you may find that supporting soldiers is just the first step.

Send letters to troops

One way to support soldiers is by writing letters - and you could be surprised by how much this means to men and women serving in the military abroad.

When you send letters to soldiers, you will be able to tell them a bit about what's going on back in the UK, as well as revealing information about your day-to-day life.

It might seem a bit boring to you, but when you are far-removed from normality, it can be a breath of fresh air.

Writing letters is an old-fashioned way to support soldiers - but it is still one of the best.

Cards and items sent from home can be kept and re-read, providing troops on the frontline with something to look forward to on their return.

So, if you want to support soldiers serving overseas, pick up a pen and piece of paper and get writing!

When you get in touch with Forces Penpals, we will help match you to a suitable serviceman or woman who is looking for some contact from home.

Support soldiers with Forces Penpals

Although we started out as a business providing penpals to military personnel stationed abroad, we rapidly grew and realised that working online offered a great deal of potential.

That's why we set up Forces Penpals and since going live back in 2003, our membership has steadily grown.

We support soldiers in many different ways - not just through our programme of finding penpals for those who want them.

Forces Penpals is the largest social networking and military dating site in the country, with well over 140,000 registered users from both civilian and military backgrounds.

When you join Forces Penpals, you will find that there are many different ways to communicate with troops and support soldiers overseas.

Signing up to Forces Penpals is free and once you register with our site, you'll have access to loads of great content as well as being able to start viewing our other members.

If you are looking for a way to support soldiers, join us today.